79 Sanctuary Drive, Cranley QLD 4350, Australia
We would love to see you at the next viewing of this property.Please click on the Get in Touch tab to request an inspection.You will then receive an email to register your interest and to start your Snug application profile.A duplex situated in Cranley's new estate, we welcome you to inspect. This property has been designed for comfort with a difference and features that will entice your interest. Complete with:HOW TO ..... APPLY FOR THE PROPERTYPlease note, registering for an inspection time, will ensure you are notified of any changes or cancellations.Please complete your SNUG profile and register to view by copying and pasting this link into your browser
Property type: House
City: Cranley
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Price: 1775 €
Garage: Yes