
Rent 1 bedroom apartment of 81 m² in Halmstad

Smedjegatan 18B, 302 69 Halmstad, Sweden

Exclusive option: Above the average market price

616 €
616 €
616 €
This property is priced above average but offers exceptional features that make it stand out.
81 m2
1 bedroom
Property type:
  • Balcony
Available from:
01 Jun
Verified by Findallrentals:
Case number:

apartment for rent in Smedjegatan 18 B, Halmstad, Nyhem

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About this property

Property type: Apartment

City: Halmstad

Bedrooms: 1

Area: 81 m2

Price: 616 €

Available from: 2025-06-01

Balcony: Yes

Price per m²: 7 €


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